
  • BuddhaIsMyTherapist - Будда - мой психотерапевт (ai Буддизм выгорание депрессия психология bot buddhism chatbot bodhisattva burnout depression dharma)

  • telemetry-metrics-mnesia - Distributed Telemetry.Metrics reporter and backend for Mnesia (elixir telemetry opensource project hex mnesia)

  • Blog - This personal site-blog (blog jekyl project)

  • Midas - Crypto portfolio tracking and accounting tool for investors (elixir phoenix-framework phoenix web3 crypto)

  • ProtoSchema - Macro magic to generate Ecto schemas from Google Protobuf definitions (elixir protobuf)

  • uprotobuf - Google Protobuf implementation for MicroPython 1.17+ (python micropython protobuf library opensource)

  • Kazoo - An open-source, highly scalable software platform designed to provide carrier-grade VoIP switch functions and features (erlang open-source RabbitMQ Open-Telecom-Platform CouchDB)

  • node-plugin-registration-profile-field - Question and Answer plugin for the NodeBB registration form (nodejs)

  • LiquidCMS - KISS CMS based on Nitrogen Web Framework (erlang nitrogen-framefork cms mnesia)

  • ezodf - A Python package to create/manipulate OpenDocumentFormat files (python open-source open-document-format pypi)

  • Pomodoro Player - Music player switching playlists according to Pomodoro tech phase (erlang nitrogen-web-framework pomodoro pomodoro-tech)


  • One Click Greens - Automated data-based planting system