
This is a long week. We have 6 out of 7 business days before Spring holidays season. For me this week was full of adventures and achievements.

  • First of all, I’ve passed my PhD English exam. So I’m one step closer to the degree.
  • I received live teachings from Jampa Tanjuta (ཇམ་པ་ཏན་ཡུ་ཏ་) (not sure how to spell, just my guess).
  • I learnt a lot about TG channels and bots development and promoting.
  • I listened a couple of interviews to guess how people search help when they have mental conditions.
  • I’ve published first version of Lama Bot (mostly Russian for now) and took part in Join us for the Coze AI Bot Challenge: $3,000 in Prizes! - DEV Community with it. Pls, talk to him to help us win ;-)

Weekly Learn

Here what I’ve learnt this week. It’s a collection of materials in several languages with my comments.



