New Jerusalem Monastery

This digest is a bit unusual because it’s biweekly. I haven’t posted the week before but these two weeks have a lot in common. I spent them on my way home with short vacations in Moscow region in between.

💻 Only occasional work on urgent questions.

🏃 Due to schedule and hot weather we run only once and inside. It was 3km on the threadmill.

📽️ Live streaming is on vacations as well. See you on Twitch on Sep, 3. I’ll check the time later according to my current TZ. You can watch previous streams on YouTube.

🪷 My practice is a bit poorer this week. I’ve missed some days and mostly practiced shamatha.

🌄 We’ve visited the Red Square, New Jerusalem Monastery and New Istra Resort. It was a joyful vacations.

📿 Lama Bot (དླ་མ་བོཏ།) is in progress of transition to self-hosted infrastructure. It was paused due to vacations as well. We are going to continue next week.

Weekly Learn

Here what I’ve learnt this week. It’s a collection of materials in several languages with my comments.


I’m going on reading classic of cyberpunk “Neuromancer” by William Gibson.


