Stupa in the mountains

This is a Holy week for Buddhists since May, 23 is the 15th day of Saga-dava. This day is known as a Buddhas birth, enlightment and leaving for paranirvana (death) day. For me it was a day for small meditation retreat. I was meditating about 3 hrs. Since I’m not a great at it it was 4 sessions with different length and purpose. After that I got my first ever empowerment from HH 41st Sakya Trichen.

Except that, I started my Live coding: Rock, Code, (N)VIM translations on Twitch. Going to sync it with YouTube soon.

Weekly Learn

Here what I’ve learnt this week. It’s a collection of materials in several languages with my comments.



I’ve completed “Lam rim u don” (ལམ་རིམ་བསྡུས་དོན།།) by Chze Tsonkapa (in Russian, Tibetan is going to be later). It’s a very thoughtful reading. Close to finish with Shamatha chapter of Alan Wallace’s “The Four Immeasurables: Practices to Open the Heart”.


